Pistolas pneumáticas – Cizel é novo

Reserve price not reached!

Vários ferramentas pneumáticas

Auction ended without reaching the reserve price. If you are interested in the item, send an email with an offer price

Last Bids

UserID Data Bid Proxy
9 2024-09-21 15:39:05 5€ d

Vendas Diretas – 0% de comissão.
Vendas em Leilões – Ao preço licitado acresce a comissão (10% bens móveis ou 5% bens imobiliários).
A todos os valores acresce ainda IVA de 23%
All lots are “Subject to Allocation” - this means that you will only be considered awarded if you receive an email from 1010.pt with this information



Vários ferramentas pneumáticas

Total Licitação Placed:

Auction has Terminado

Auction ended without reaching the reserve price. If you are interested in the item, send an email with an offer price

Highest bidder was: *******

Bidder Name Bidding Time Bid Auto
******* 21/09/2024 15:39 5,00 
Auction started 21/09/2024 14:11

Buyer’s Premium

Buyer’s Premium 10% of Licitação Ganhadora .
Minimum Premium 200