Empilhador 3500kg

Reserve price not reached!

Auction ended without reaching the reserve price. If you are interested in the item, send an email with an offer price

Empilhador Clark Capacidade : 3500kg      

Last Bids

UserID Data Bid Proxy
11 2024-06-01 11:12:24 4 350€ d
26 2024-06-01 11:12:24 4 000€ auto
26 2024-05-30 12:48:39 850€ d
1 2024-05-14 12:03:23 500€ d

Attention: The commission is added to the bid price (10% movable assets and 5% real estate assets. VAT at 23% is also added to all values All lots are “Subject to Allocation” - this means
All lots are “Subject to Allocation” - this means that you will only be considered awarded if you receive an email from 1010.pt with this information



Empilhador Clark

Capacidade : 3500kg




Total Licitação Placed:

Auction has Terminado

Auction ended without reaching the reserve price. If you are interested in the item, send an email with an offer price

Highest bidder was: f*****a

Bidder Name Bidding Time Bid Auto
f*****a 01/06/2024 11:12 4.350,00 
a*****o 01/06/2024 11:12 4.000,00  Auto
a*****o 30/05/2024 12:48 850,00 
a***n 14/05/2024 12:03 500,00 
Auction started 13/05/2024 17:37

Buyer’s Premium

Buyer’s Premium 10% of Licitação Ganhadora .
Minimum Premium 200